- a silver coin of Perdikkas B’ (454-413 B.C.)
- stone moulds for jewelry
- stone axe
- bronze jewelry
- terracotta figurine fragments.
- loom weights – a few with stamps
- clay pipes for metalworking
- architectural terracottas
Mobile findings
The findings revealed during the excavation of the settlement come from the interior of the ancient constructions as well as the surrounding spaces. In terms of place distribution they are scattered all over the top of the mound while chronologically they cover a period of several centuries (9th – 5th c. B.C.).
The majority of the findings are fragments of clay vessels (pottery). Pottery fragments, local and imported, are unearthed in big quantities and they represent a large variety of well known ancient Greek pottery workshops. The majority of the local and imported vases are dated mostly within the Archaic times (7th – 6th c. B.C.), the flourishing period of the settlement. Of interest is also the Geometric pottery with representative examples, while Classical fragments are also found, although in small numbers.
The number of the other categories of findings, besides pottery, is very limited. Among them should be mentioned: