3D Digitisation

The utilization of the technologies of 3D digitization and modeling of mobile finds and spaces is done in collaboration with the KLEPSYDRA cultural inventory digitization laboratory of the Athena RC. The purpose of the integration of these technologies is both the creation of models that could contribute to the dissemination of the excavation findings to the general public as well as the utilization of these models in archaeological research, in the preservation and restoration of digitized objects and spaces, in the supply of applications of Geographical Information Systems in the excavation and in the training of the students participating in the excavation.

Below you can see some examples of the 3D digitization and modeling of mobile finds and spaces from the excavation.

*Please note that the page might take some time to load due to the size of the 3D models.



Attic black-figured cup

Corinthian oinochoe

Chian kalyx

Bowl with joints

Metallurgy vessel 





Corinthian plate


  • Kantharos – Virtual Reassembly and Completion – COST-Action TD 1201 (COSCH)